Behind the Bottle: Ars Vitis Riesling


The Ars Vitis Riesling from Moselland is a fun fruity wine from Germany’s Mosel-Saar-Ruwer region. While we sure can’t pronounce that ten times fast, we love the bottle’s painting, the unique “window bottle” packaging and wanted to know more behind it. Our supplier enlightened us with some facts along with some beautiful shots of the region itself. ​

The region's cascading landscape was eloquently painted onto the bottle by original winegrower Heinz Ames (1926-2014). In Atlantic Canada, we love a good story so here are some fun facts about the artist for you to recite to friends over a glass at sunset.

  1. Heinz Ames was captured by American Army early in the war in France. As a POW, it was said he captured lots of attention with his caricature drawings; a small foreshadow of his talents and passion to come.​

  2. Ames was said to love painting watercolours of the French and German countryside while sipping a Riesling. One day a splash of his favourite grape mixed in with his paint and he drew more brilliant and clearer colours than before. Ames used this technique to paint his favourite scenes of the Mosel river from its source in the French Vosges to Koblenz, where the Mosel enters the Rhine river. This technique is beautifully displayed on Moselland's full “Window Bottle Collection” of Rieslings.

  3. Ame’s pictures have for more than a decade been used on the bottle for the Moselland Ars Vitis series. This very attractive collection let’s the sun come through the painted landscape on the bottle that allows you to see the vista as if you were right there with Ames, taking it all in.

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Now that you know a bit more behind one of our favourite bottles, consider it a refreshing aperitif for yourself, a friend or a picturesque gift for the riesling-o-phile in your life. Get in touch today to see where Moselland's ArsVitis riesling can be purchased near you in Atlantic Canada.


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